Finishing Projects

Back, 2 posts ago, I mentioned Some handmade crocheted cuff bracelets my grandma made me. Well I found the right buttons for the white one.

Even tho I didn't make the cuff, Grandma is a piece of me so I'm going to show it to you...
I think it's very cool!

And while I'm on the "Finishing Projects" topic...

Last time my Mother-in-law was in town we went to a few quilt shops and I found the coolest pattern for a Chili Pepper table runner. Well I decided to use it as a wall hanging. I started making this in early may before my 2nd knee surgery (on the right knee) then when I went for surgery I could use my right knee quite right for a while so I didn't sew for a while. This week I pulled out the pieces n pattern and finished it up! I really only had the green part left to do. It looks awesome on my Terra Cotta Orange kitchen walls...

Granny's Crochet Needle Roll-up

I got this idea from a crayon roll-up pattern I saw online, I tweeked it to be tall enough for crochet needles and the pockets narrower in most cases also. I left a few pockets wider for the larger needles. Grandma loves it!

Rolled up...


Close up on needle in a pocket and flap turned up...

Crafters X-mas and Inspiration

Going to my grandmas house is always a treat. I love to visit with her, hear her stories, and learn from her. Plus I almost always leave with at least a grocery sack full of goodies! Some of the goodies are hand made sometimes and other times its supplies. This time it was both! Check it out!

^Oodles of old lace!
coz i wanna make these

^ a bunch of tiny ribbon flowers and bows
 I want to incorporate into the above lace flowers

^ thread cones for my surger she gave me a few months back
Here is a pic of the vintage surger. It is a White Superlock 503:

^ a very old cookie tin - i want MORE!
coz i wanna make these, sans the snowflakes and in a color that suits my home.

^ dozens of crocheted flowers 
she makes these with her yarn/thread scraps, not usually with anything in mind to do with them.
I want to make a bouquet with them, like this:

^ tiny ribbon flowers and bows i will probably incorporate with the lace flowers

^ *swoon* vintage thread spools all wooden!

^ rick-rack... i have quite a collection of rick-rack now from a previous thrift store score, i need some rick-rack craft ideas!

^Crocheted butterflies. something else she does with her scraps. 
Maybe I will make a mobile with them?
Perhaps something like this:

And then there rest... there was some googley eyes, red pompoms, sequin pins and steel silk pins.

There are 2 bracelet-cuffs she crocheted me too I need to get pictured of them on the bracelet model.
Check it out!

Rocky Wrist Bracelets

In the bottom of my bead stash, is a floss box with some sorted drilled rocks.

I had to think how to make these into a bracelet with out the bracelet weighing too much!

I recalled some silver plated aluminum beads, and used them to alternate with the drilled rocks.

I think they turned out interesting!

Less Than Creative in My Free Time

This week, when I am normally creating I've been doing other things.

I've seen 2 movies in the past week. I don't usually go to movies... In fast the last one I saw was True Grit in 2010. (Double Take, this is 2012!) But I went with a gal friend to see Magic Mike Friday. Hubba Hubba! Then last night a hubby, a couple other friends and I went to see Ted. Bother movies were good.

Tonight, its July 4th. A day I dont normally do anything on but work, in the past or stay home with the doggies. We are going to a 51's Baseball Game! Something else we don't normally do- in fact I have not been to a game since I was a kid and mom got Angels n Dodgers tickets from work... But My friend who I went to see Magic Mike with said we should go and so we were all easily persuaded. There will even be post game fireworks. Fireworks are something I have grown out of but whatever...

I made a round of Bento boxes, no pics sorry.
Then when I was grocery shopping I got chicken breasts cheap(er) and came home to follow this link and made 6 varieties of marinaded chicken breasts, threw one in the fridge for thursday, and the other 5 in the freezer as recommended.

I was going to get creative a couple days ago but i stepped on something I couldn't see in my studio and decided to clean it up instead. I never got around to making anything in here tho. I did switch placement of my ironing board with my cutting table. Since I keep some bins and plastic drawers under my cutting table, the bins are moved now too and the room feels a little more open.

Friday Doc said I'm ready to go back to work and gave me a week.  So...How on earth can I make a living from my crafting so that I may ALWAYS craft...